AMIE ONE Our Wish is to grow and nurture all our Wisdom together
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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



Love and desire, dont be greedy and angry

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Life is a journey of lessons to test our intelligence and nurture our wisdom

Details Of Your Entry

In the tapestry of my life, I've discovered that every moment is a brushstroke, crafting a unique masterpiece. This journey, an odyssey of the mind and soul, tests not only intelligence but the very essence of who I am.

As a child, I was the inquisitive explorer of my own world. I reveled in the art of discovery, from the secrets of the backyard to the enigmas of the alphabet. Each puzzle I solved, every book I devoured, was a stroke of intellect on my canvas of growth.

Adolescence added vibrant colors to my life's palette. I grappled with the hues of friendship, painted with the brush of emotions, and experienced the depth of teenage angst. These strokes were not just about knowing but feeling - a journey into the realm of empathy and understanding.

In adulthood, the canvas expanded. I faced life's complexities head-on. Career choices, financial landscapes, and dreams awaited my artistic touch. The decisions I made were strokes of wisdom, painted with the brushes of experience and contemplation. Some strokes were bold and confident; others tentative and hesitant, yet all contributed to the evolving masterpiece.

Life's journey is an ongoing exhibition, and I am the artist, curator, and audience all in one. Each day, I pick up my brushes, mixing the colors of joy and sorrow, success and failure, love and loss. I paint with the strokes of resilience, hope, and gratitude. The canvas is never finished; it is a work in progress, reflecting my evolving intelligence and deepening wisdom.

In the end, my life's painting will be a testament to the uniqueness of my journey—a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, not replicable by any other hand or heart. It is a reminder that we are all artists of our own existence, and our life's canvas is our most profound creation.

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