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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



Having a moderate amount of Love & Desire is the key to prevent Greed & Anger.

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The importance of moderate Love & Desire to propel you in a positive direction instead of reaping Greed & Anger.

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It is important to consume everything in moderation and this is applicable to the subject of Love & Desire as well. Too much of anything can be detrimental and hence the key not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger lies in the importance of having moderate amount of Love & Desire.

Why is it detrimental to have too much of Love & Desire? Too much of Love turns into obsession and having too much of it will challenge the idea of control. Love is an intangible feeling that one develops for another being or even things. Some people love to read, some people love to exercise, some people love to eat while some people love to exercise. Everyone has something that they love and it's unique for everyone. Love is a positive feeling that one gets when they interact with another being, things or even when they are doing something. Having an adequate amount of this feeling makes one feels good and hence in order to retrigger that feeling, people tend to spend time with those they love, the things that give them such feeling or engage in activities that make them feel this way. However having too much of Love may turn into obsession which means that one will require more control. There is a limit in the amount of control one can exercise over another party or even in structured activities. Once one feels that they lose control, they will develop negative feelings such as Anger. Hence in order to prevent Love from turning into Anger, it is important to remind ourselves that we should have a healthy dose of Love instead of overstepping the boundaries to turn something so pure and beautiful into something negative and frowned upon.

This is similar to Desire as well. Desire can be a source of motivation for one to work towards achieving more in life. It is good to have Desire in life so that it propels one forward to encourage one to take the necessary action to achieve what they want in life. However having too much of Desire will turn into Greed. For example it is good to look at a luxury good that one desires and set a goal to be able to purchase it in time to come. This can motivate one to save more or earn more in order to attain the goal however it has to be realistic instead of something way out of one's league or way too good to be true. Hence Desire should be of a moderate amount as well. Having too little Desire means that one will not be motivated by anything in life and is fine with not making any change or improvement to one's life. On the other hand, having too much Desire means that one may be driven by Greed as one always covets over something which is out of league for instance an employee who draws a monthly salary of $2,000 who covets over a $2,000,000 car may resort to taking unconventional ways/illegal means to get to what he/she wants. This may lead to embezzlement from company funds or scamming people of money to attain unrealistic goals. Hence it is important to have a moderate amount of Desire that is enough to propel one forward without resorting to underhand means.

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