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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



Love is blind and ended up in greed .

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When love becomes lust , and stability becomes Greed.

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The one that u choose , usually is very important .
Your love , u spend all the time together with each other .
She has the greatest influence on U .

Choose wisely , people reveal who they are overtime .
It might take 10 years or sometimes up to 20 years to reveal who they are .

Especially for a guy , your wife has the greatest influence on u in the long run .

My story ,

we knew each other since Primary school .
upon reaching adult hood , we changed .

she slowly became more materialistic and her greed knows no limits .
She want more and more money but in a good way , she went to work .
the time she devout to her work was almost 12 hrs 6 days a week , leaving no time for family bonding .
she was bringing in big bucks but she neglected many stuffs .

eventually , we broke off and it left a strain on me .

we knew each other for more than 20 years , we broke off eventually .
she wanted more and more money thru work ( which was good ) but at the expense of neglecting many stuffs with me such as quality time etc .......

i got influence by her , i wanted more and more money also , i went out to do sales but did badly in the end , i was broke .

when love becomes lust , sex was always on my mind when i was with her , i almost got addicted to sex .

when a broke guy with an addiction to sex , u can imagine the consequences .

things just went out of way as time goes by , our love has slowly became greed which resulted in never ending chase for money .
desire ended up in Anger , i shouted at her and we eventually broke off due to money issues . i was addicted to sex , when love becomes lusts .

she was always talking when i was with her , many times i was not heard . She was busy with work most times leaving me a bit lonely .
Many times when i wanted to talk to her at night , she would be sleeping already . Many times i had no one to talk to .
She was always the fussy one . Many women just wants to go around ordering people , telling people what to do , which is basically senseless .

Choose wisely , my friend .

i chose a women which ended up badly in the end .
we had good times and bad but it left me imbalanced in the end .

Greed , not feeling satisfied in the long long run which is very unhealthy for anyone .
a person who is greedy is a dangerous man .

they might resort to violence anytime .

the above story is about Greed ,
Another story which comes along with Anger ,

most of my time at home , i was beaten up severely .
when things do not go my Dad's way , he would just beat his son up .

the latest happenings was that he could not inherit the house my grandma left behind ,
he was angry and beat me up several times when i did not listen to him .

core issues - money .

he became an angry man , beating his son up whenever possible .
His son was too broke to go to work .
He only wanted his son to turn up for work everyday , working endlessly .
His son was out of love and needed time to recover but he did not know that .

He beat up his son , he thought that his son was lazy , not knowing his son was broke and tired of life .

the above mentioned case was a classic case of Anger .

what goes around comes around , i am now much better off . i don't feel so lonely not as much when i was with my GF of 10 years .
i had more personal time and i need not listen to the Angry father , i felt more better , able to rest , invest and work .

People only want stuffs for themselves not knowing they had already disrupt into people's life .
People are born selfish .

This is when i got abused by my loved ones .

i do not know anything about this topic but greed and anger will definitely step in overtime , it might take 20 years to surface or longer.

Til then , maybe u can advise me what to do .

Anger case took about 30 years to realise , greed case took about 20 years .

it takes a long time to know some one but Love is blind .

When love is blind , nobody knows what to do .

i do need advise, how about u ?
Greed knows no boundaries and Anger harms everyone .
It just becomes a vicious cycle .

Signing off ,
Zhou ( the one who often got abused at work and at home )

to be sarcastic , the environment here is WOnderfuL.

Many are brought up dry and inconsiderate , not knowing they cause a lot of troubles for those around them .

going to have my rest and avoiding stupid people .

the points below are AI generated .
The meaning of LVOE

Love is a deep feeling of affection and care for another person.
Love is a feeling of intense passion and attraction for another person.
Love is a feeling of intimacy and closeness with another person.
Love is a commitment to another person, both emotionally and practically.
Love is a choice to put the needs of another person before your own.
Love is a gift that is freely given and received.

These are healthy LOVE .

A parent's love for their child
A romantic partner's love for their significant other
A best friend's love for their best friend
A pet owner's love for their pet
A philanthropist's love for humanity

These are forms of Love.

Hope everyone gets loved !
Nobody is infallible and love can transform lives .
To a better World we can reach out to .

Peace out !

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