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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



Sometimes, we do bad things out of impulse. It can be because of our mindless greed, or in a fit of rage. This essay hopes to give an insight into the perspective of a person affected by greed and rage.

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Giving is needed to counteract greed, while reflection of our actions are needed to counteract anger.

Details Of Your Entry

It is important for us to constantly reflect before acting, as actions do have consequences. People have a natural nature of greed. A little bit of greed can be good. It helps us to be more loving of ourselves and allows us to be self sufficient in the things we are trying to amass. However, too much greed is pure selfishness. It is when we actually do not need the item anymore, and it is more of a want than a need.
Anger can be another source of impulsive actions as well. When we are angry, we may act differently, and can do actions that may hurt or harm others. It can be from swearing, or causing physical hurt to others. When we are angry, we should always go somewhere else to process your thoughts first. There is no need to argue with someone that disagrees with your view any further. This is to prevent things from escalating. When we have cooled down, will then you can meet him and slowly resolve the issue. This should be the right approach to take whenever we encounter rage.

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