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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



If you Love, naturally your thoughts,actions and desires will flow naturally to not greed and anger.

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Love is the greatest commandment

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Love is generally a good thing as it is the foundation to many good things.
In the realms of Religion, it is also being seen to be good as it is mentioned to love your neighbour as yourself and love your God
which is the core and essential of the Religion.

In non-religion aspect, love is also a good thing which can be observed from couples, families as well.
Loving your wife, husband, children and parents which you will always have the heart posture to do good things for them.

However, for Desire it is a double edged sword as it can go either way. with the wrong desire and intentions it will end up in Greed and Anger. For instance, a person having a desire to have many branded bags and luxury items which ends up being greedy and in anger as they are unable to attain them.

A person can also have the wrong desire being jealous of another family or couple that is happily together while he is single or in unhappy relationship will also have anger in his failed relationship.

Hence, how not to let love an desire end up in greed and anger I believe first and foremost is to stop comparing. Many of times we compare ourselves with others and others seem to be in better place than us. As the saying goes"The Grass is Greener on the other side". Don't compare ourselves with others as you never know what struggles they are facing as well.

Secondly, it is also a good practice to detox your mind. You can do so by exercising, reading a book, hanging out with friends or even meditation helps also to detox the negativity.

Thirdly, I feel that social media also has a part to play in as well. With social media we can see how others are living their lives and we can easily led to comparison and become angry and greedy too. But we need to keep in mind that social media people only portray the good side of them.

Hence, with these I believe it will help not to let love and desire end up in Greed and Anger.

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