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Resolving conflicts in Life



Why is there conflict? What can we learn from conflicts? What can we do to resolve conflicts?

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Conflicts arise amongst humans and hence only humans can work together to resolve the conflicts created.

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What is conflict? Conflict is a situation which humans realised that they have opposing/polarising views or perception with each other. Conflict can happen to individuals or amongst groups be it with your partner, family or friends. Conflict arises in humans because humans have different values, characteristics and perceptions. The varying difference eventually resulted in conflicts.

As everyone is unique and different, it is only natural for humans to be in conflict with oneself or with others. Hence though it will be ideal not to have any conflict, it is nearly impossible. Instead of avoiding conflict, we should embrace it and try to obtain something positive out of it. With every conflict, there will be lessons to be learnt such as the opportunity to understand why one will feel conflicted with another party. Is it because of any underlying issues pertaining to value differences or is it based on a one off situation? This is an opportunity to understand where the other party is coming from and to try to be more empathetic towards others despite having different opinions, beliefs or values.

How can conflict be resolved? It takes understanding from another person’s point of view in order to resolve a conflict. The baseline is that one shouldn’t think that one is always right without regarding others’ values, perceptions or feelings. One may not fully be convinced, but being able to understand will reduce any animosity one may have towards other parties with differing views. Being able to understand and accept other beings is the best solution towards resolving conflicts. Although conflicts may never be fully resolved, being able to proactively deal with the situation will reduce the impact of conflicts and this is the start towards making the world a better place.

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