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Resolving conflicts in Life



If we are educated and brought up to genuinely love and work for the betterment of this world, there will be less conflicts and more happiness on Earth.

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We are going to suffer no less and no more of all the pain we impose on others

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In the near-death-experience video shared in this challenge, when his old love expires like an expiry date on our food because of new desires/love to satisfy the ego self, he discarded old love to embrace the new love, inflicting pain onto others. Many are guilty of such acts but are too blinded by their own desires to indulge in the new-found love. When the flame of new love diminishes, our desire will look for yet another new love. May it be a person, an object or a hobby, this cycle of grasping for new and discarding old, never ends. Maybe some may feel that it is for the betterment of mankind especially when it is advancing the modern technology or living standard. Currently, we are seeing the advancement of modern technology that may bring us misfortune or even disaster. For example, Man make fire to cook food so that we have better nutrients for a well-developed brain. Then someone came along to make explosive for breaking mountains to make road contruction and now we have long range hypersonic missiles to kill those who do not concur. Another example, Man had made computers to do calculations and keep databases. Now we have artifical intelligence that will obsolete many human jobs in coming decades. Man has made many innovations that will ultimately destroy Earth and its inhabitants. So is it wrong to do innovations? Because of this incessant desire in Man to look for new love, it is impossible for us to stop innovation. When there is law to govern against illegal polygamy, there should also be an important subject in school or society to inculcate the integrity of Man to innovate for the genuine good of mankind. Things are changing too fast with every country innovating to put others off the edge or to dominate, but never for a better world.
There is no method or means to resolve conflict unless there is a change of heart. A change of heart happens with core change (by removing most of our blindspots) when the person realises ultimately he is wrong fundamentally and starts looking for solutions in a totally different perspective and approach and then acts and responds differently. All who experienced NDE, undergo fundamental core change in life and a new lease of life with different morals and values.
Conflicts arise when there is selfishness, ingratitude, unempathetic, irresponsibility, self-indulgence and self-ego, driving everyone in different directions to achieve individual objectives. A good example is the United Nations that was established to reduce conflicts on Earth. With major players who are power-greed, deceptive, weapon producers, UN can never bring peace to this world. We have to pray hard for these important characters to experience Near Death Experience so that they can sit down to genuinely work towards global peace.
We are witnessing some of the major conflicts in the world unfolding but yet to feel the emotional and physical pain of these conflicts. Everyday, we are in constant battle to seek out more pleasure and wealth for the well-being of self and have been oblivious of others’ phlight. While we are trying our best not to emotionally or physically harm others, we (at least myself) have not made it our main daily objective to put others before self in every action or thought, just because we do not see the urgency or serious need to do so. However, after watching a few Near-Death-Experience stories, I understood the urgent need to make it my main objective to eliminate all emotional and physical pain of any beings that come into contact with me....may it be my family, friends, stranger, birds, lizards, cockroaches or even ants. Just because I, the ego self, will ultimately suffer the same pain that I impose on any beings. Now I truly understand why all great religions promote peace and compassion to all; treating all beings like brothers or sisters as in Christianity and Muslim, treating all beings like our parents as in Buddhism.
We are going to suffer no less and no more of all the pain we impose on others. If one understands this sentence genuinely, one will become more genuine in every thought, speech and action, making sure that no or little wrong is done and lots of bliss and joy is being shared and propagated.

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